LUFS Meter

How to pronounce 'LUFS Meter'?

'LUFS' should be pronounced like 'Loves'. Therefore "Loves-Meter" is the correct pronunciation.

Can I try the LUFS Meter before purchasing it?

Yes, a demo version is available for free. The same demo can be used to evaluate and compare the full LUFS Meter and the Discounted LUFS Meter. Measurements and adjustments are limited to time periods shorter than one minute. If a measurement exceeds one minute, the demo version pauses. A new measurement can be started immediately after such a pause. More...

Is it possible to upgrade from the Discounted to the full LUFS Meter?

Yes. The price for the upgrade is USD 20 (+ EU VAT), the exact difference between the two editions.
Overview of all available upgrades.

Why isn't the LUFS Meter free and open source?

That would be awesome! But sadly I couldn't find a sustainable business model around it, such that Klangfreund could survive. That said, the core measurement algorithm developed by Klangfreund is open source.


Can I try the Multimeter before purchasing it?

Yes, a demo version is available for free. Measurements and adjustments are limited to time periods shorter than one minute. If a measurement exceeds one minute, the demo version pauses. A new measurement can be started immediately after such a pause. More...

Is it possible to upgrade from the LUFS Meter to the Multimeter?

Yes. The price for the upgrade is USD 10 (+ EU VAT), the exact difference between the two products.
Overview of all available upgrades.


Can I request a feature?

Of course, I'd like to hear about your ideas!

How can I report an issue?

Use the contact form. Please mention which version of macOS or Windows you are using, the name and version of your host/DAW as well as the plug-in format and the version of the plug-in. It helps tremendously if you also provide a step by step description on how to reproduce the issue.

Why do customers from the EU and the UK have to pay tax?

A company providing digital products to customers from the EU or from the UK is obliged to pay the VAT (value-added tax) to the country the customer lives in. If your company has a VAT ID and you handle the VAT payment yourself, you can set your VAT ID before placing an order.

Can I only activate a plug-in on 3 different computers and then it's over?

No. A Klangfreund plug-in can run on 3 different computers of yours at the same time. If you get a new computer and don't have any activation slots left you can deactivate the plug-in on one of your other computers in order to get one activation slot back for the new computer. All of this can be managed at your personal account.


Do you provide discounted EDU licenses?

No. The Discounted LUFS Meter has been made especially for people with a low income. Consider it the EDU version of the LUFS Meter.

Do you have sales?

When a new product (not an update) gets released it might be sold at a reduced introductional price for a few weeks. Subscribe to the newsletter at the bottom of this page to get notified about such offers. No other sales are offered. I just consider it fair to all customers to provide low and fixed prices.

Do you provide discounts when multiple licenses are bought?

Yes, if you buy between 5 and 9 licenses you get a 10% discount. If you buy between 10 and 49 licenses you get a 15% discount. If you buy 50 or more licenses you get a 20% discount. These discounts are applied automatically when purchasing the licenses from this website.

My question is not answered here.

Don't hesitate and ask. I'm happy to hear from you.